In addition to the career information listed elsewhere on this site, I am pleased to share that I am in my early 80's, happily married with husband, two children, two stepchildren, three godchildren, two daughter-in-laws, one son-in-law, and seven grandchildren all of whom I adore and love spending time with. They have become young adults and now begin careers of their own. Watch out world!
I take digital photos with some seriousness and garden with less. I am enthusiastic about both hobbies and find that their aesthetics affect each other and the way I see the world. The changing images on this website are some of my photographs. More can be seen at Flickr here:
My husband and I live part of the year just outside Washington DC in Arlington, VA and spend our winter months on the island of Vieques in the Caribbean (see Vieques tab). The island, badly hit by hurricane Maria, is resilient and full of wonderful people.