Museum Practices Crosses Borders
This is a publication in the Journal Curator (48/1 January 2005) in the forum section and begins with this proposition
“Museum practices that originate in one nation or region influencethe creation of exhibitions in other, sometimes more distant, places. Examples of cross-border museological fertilization are numerous, and will doubtless occur with greater frequency in the future, as museums around the world interact more intensively with each other.”
Omnium Gatherum: Occasional Papers by Elaine Gurian
Welcome to my Omnium Gatherum: Occasional Papers, a collection of short essays, teaching material, personal fascinations, and meanderings. You are welcome to download and use anything that interests you for your own purposes.
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Elaine Heumann Gurian
4834 8th Street South
Arlington VA 22204, USA
HC-O1 BOX 11116,
Vieques, PR, 00765